Lidia's Kitchen

It’s finally here! I am so happy and proud to announce that my Lidia’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil is available for purchase!

In 1991 I planted an olive grove near my Busoler, Istria home to honor my grandparents and the land they loved and worked. This unique and beautiful grove of Leccino and Buža trees has now reached maturity. Each olive was hand-picked at the perfect moment of ripeness to yield a wondernally balanced extra virgin olive oil suitable for a wide range of culinary applications. My great pleasure is to share with you my family’s limited-edition “Green Gold.”


Leccino, one of central Italy’s most popular oil production olives is light, delicate and ethereal, whereas the Buža variety adds vibrancy and structure. The qualities of Lidia’s oil are like the olive oil produced around the Lago di Garda region of northern Italy, which are among her personal favorites. Lidia’s oil has aromas of green tomato leaf with undertones of artichoke, almonds, and freshly ripped herbs, concluding with a delayed, elongated peppery finish. The cause of this peppery sensation – considered an attribute of high-quality olive oil – is oleocanthal, a natural phenolic compound with both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. An excellent oil for fish, salads and light pasta dishes, it’s also a great drizzling oil on soups and other cooked foods.  Find out more here.